Flip & Flop (C64)

Commodore 64 platform

Take a trip back in time, and listen to some of the work of Jerry White.

Until today, this game was totally unknow to me. This morning, when I was watching Jan Beta on YouTube, bringing an old Commodore 64 back to life, I found, that I actually do know this game – or the music at least – or a small part of this music.

This game has supplied the “theme” music for all of Jan Beta‘s videos on YouTube. This is of course the ‘Startup track’ he uses.

This game was originally created on the Atari 8-bit computer but a bit later it was converted to the Commodore 64.

Flip & Flop

Game music from ‘Flip & Flop‘. Game was published for the Commodore 64 by First Star Software in 1984.

Jan Beta: @YouTube
Longplay: @YouTube

Source of inspiration and material: Wikipedia & Lemon64