Y-Axe Twin (Amiga)

Commodore Amiga platform

Take a trip back in time, and listen to some of the work of Morpehus.

Most of the demo music created on the Amiga in the 90’s wasn’t really my cup of tea. In tend to call it the “Amiga Techno” era (And I did a number of tracks myself).

But there is – as always – an exception to the rule: ‘Y-Axe Twin’. This is not a great track but is has something that I really like.

Watch video: @YouTube (Y-Axe Twin)

Morpheus, Y-Axe twin
Audio Player

This might be that the track reminds me of the awesome track ‘Raw (Grunge mix)’ by ‘O.T.T’ – or ‘Lenny Dee’ as it says on the Thunderdome V compilation.

Watch video: @YouTube (Raw)

The track is a four channel MOD created by Morpehus back in May ’93 (now Morphuze), properly made in one of the many trackers on the Amiga. Maybe Lenny Dee, also liked this track.


Source of inspiration and material: T E X T F I L E S & ModArchive