Translation in progress


I’m currently working on translating my old danish retro items from my old site, into posts on this english language site.

Second; I’m having trouble with accepting, how the image-slider are managed and even more annoying how my images are displayed. So this means that for now, all gallery images are left out. So if you bump into the tag ‘IMAGE’, this means that, sometime in the future, there will be added an image or an image-slider in that place.


Take a trip back in time, and listen to some of the work of Gustaf Grefberg (Lizardking).

Lizardking started, as many others, on the Commodore 64. At some point in time he went, from the 8- and 16-bit home computers, to the 32/64 bit personal computer (PC).

Most of the songs I’ve got from The Mod Archive and they are in the XM file format, which is from the Fasttracker 2. I have enclosed some songs of Lizardking, from sources in MOD, S3M and XM format.

The song ‘Claustrophobia’ is super cool and characterize the ‘Doskpop’ style, as he called it. The ‘Doskpop intro’ are a slow version of Claustrophobia, but in only 4 channels (MOD).

Source of inspiration and material: The Mod Archive, Scene & Wikipedia

The PC way


This gallery contains 1 photo.

The next logical step, after all the music from the old-skool 8-bit platform of Commodore 64 and the 16-bit platforms of Atari ST and Amiga, is the 32-bit and now 64-bit, PC platform. This was many years before integrated, standardized … Continue reading